
4-H Poultry

4-H Poultry Project

The 4-H Poultry Project provides youth with a fun and hands-on learning experience that helps develop life skills while teaching valuable information on properly caring for their birds. Topics covered include general care, nutrition, housing, and healthcare. These subjects are presented through curricular materials, workshops, activities such as poultry judging, and the preparation of an exhibit. Youth also have the opportunity to develop responsibility, decision-making, nurturing, and communication skills through active participation in the 4-H Poultry Project.

Poultry at the Fair!

  • Animal Entries Close: July 1, 2025
  • All poultry must be owned by the exhibitor since June 1st as part of the Poultry Project.
  • All poultry must have a negative pullorum test. If birds are tested within 90 days of the fair, they must be tested at a pullorum clinic.
  • Entry Limit: Two entries per class, with a maximum of 10 birds per member.
  • Cloverbud exhibitors will receive participation ribbons for all entries.
  • Note: All exhibitors must participate in the Showmanship Contest in order to show in the breed classes.

Last updated March 5, 2025