4-H Horse and Pony Project
The 4-H Horse and Pony Project offers youth a fun, hands-on learning experience that not only develops life skills but also teaches valuable information about properly caring for their animals. Topics such as general management, training, nutrition, housing, and healthcare are covered through curricular materials, workshops, and activities like Horse Bowl, Hippology, and Horse Judging. Youth also have the opportunity to develop responsibility, decision-making, nurturing, and communication skills through active participation in the 4-H Horse and Pony Project.
St. Lawrence County Equine 4-H Clubs
St. Lawrence County's equine 4-H clubs allow local youth to work with horses, including riding, stable management, and overall care. The clubs engage in various activities such as:
If you are interested in joining one of these fantastic clubs, please call Cooperative Extension at 315-379-9192.
Starting a 4-H Equine Club
There is a growing demand for 4-H equine clubs in the Massena and Canton areas. If you are interested in starting a club in your area, please contact Cooperative Extension for more information.
4-H Horse Opportunities
Hippology in 4-H enhances learning for members by allowing them to showcase their knowledge of equine science and husbandry in a competitive setting. This activity is available at regional, state, and national levels. The Hippology contest tests a youth's understanding of equine science and the application of this knowledge in a competitive environment. For more information, visit:
4-H Hippology
Horse Bowl
Horse Bowl is a quiz game of horse knowledge played in teams of four. Competitions are held at the club and county levels to qualify for state and national competitions. It's also known as "Horse Jeopardy."
Horse Communications
The Horse Communications program is a public speaking competition where members organize and present information on a topic of their choice. Participants can present at the club and county levels, with the opportunity to qualify for regional and state competitions. This program helps youth develop public speaking skills that can be applied in various future settings.
Horse Shows
Members with a 4-H project horse/pony may compete locally and regionally, with the chance to qualify for the NYS Fair 4-H Horse Show.
Horses at the Fair!
Rider Categories:
Important Dates:
CCE Equine - brings all facets of eastern New York’s diverse horse industry under one program, creating a trusted resource for equine ventures and professional/business education
Horses page on Extension - an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched horse knowledge and resources from the best land-grant university minds across America
NYS 4-H Youth Horse Programs - provides children and teens with horse related events, activities and resources
Getting Started
Health and Nutrition
Emergency Care
Hoof Care
Grooming and Handling
Pasture Basics
Weed Management:
Manure Management:
Farm Safety
Tamara Hill
4-H Youth & Family Team Lead
315-379-9192 ext 261
Last updated March 5, 2025