With 540,000 volunteers, 3,500 professionals, and more than 60 million alumni, the 4-H movement supports young people from elementary school through high school with programs designed to shape future leaders and innovators. Fueled by research-driven programming, 4-H'ers engage in hands-on learning activities in the areas of science, citizenship and healthy living.
The caring support of adult volunteers and mentors inspires young people in 4-H to work collaboratively, take the lead on their own projects and set and achieve goals with confidence.
Please make use of these resources as you volunteer with youth in our county! Any specific questions about these materials should be directed toward Cassondra Caswell, or by calling the office at 315-379-9192 ext. 235.
Welcome to 4-H Questions and Answers
4-H Volunteer Meetings
4-H Volunteer Meetings are held quarterly throughout the 4-H year. The meetings begin with a pot-luck dinner and volunteers sharing what the youth have been working on in 4-H. This is a great opportunity to connect with other 4-H volunteers to share ideas and collaborate on projects. The business meetings consists of delivering news, information, and dates for upcoming programs, events, projects, etc. The meetings may also rap up with a short Volunteer Development topic to help volunteers with their 4-H volunteer role. Some topics that have been previously addressed include Risk Management and Chaperone Guidelines, Fundraising Information and Ideas, Projects Information and Ideas, Writing News articles, etc.
These meetings are open to all 4-H volunteers. We invite and encourage parents, Club Leaders, and Project Leaders to attend.
Club Secretary Reports
Traditional Club Secretary Report Form
Cloverbud Club Leader Monthly Report Form
Club Program Planning Sheet
Fundraising Guidelines and Request Form
Transition from Cloverbud to Traditional Member
Treasurer's Reporting Tools 4-H
Achievement Certificate Applications
Achievement Certificate Application
4-H Merchandise
Tamara Hill
4-H Youth & Family Team Lead
315-379-9192 ext 261
Last updated October 17, 2024