4-H Takes You Places

About 4-H

4-H: A Global Youth Development Program

4-H is a worldwide youth development program available in every U.S. state and in over 80 countries. Open to all youth ages 5 to 19, 4-H offers an exciting opportunity for young people to have fun, learn new skills, and explore the world around them. Through hands-on or experiential learning, 4-H provides a supportive environment where youth can engage in activities that spark their interests.

4-H is America’s largest youth development organization—empowering nearly six million young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime.

In 4-H, we believe in the power of young people. We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us.

Participants also gain the confidence, compassion, and connections with caring adults that are essential for success in life. 4-H equips young people with the tools they need to contribute to their communities and thrive.

Mission of Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development

The mission of Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development is to unleash the power of youth and adults through diverse opportunities that meet community needs. Mission: 4-H connects youth to hands-on learning opportunities that help them grow into competent, caring, contributing members of society.

Nationally, 4-H is a community of:

  • 6 million young people across the United States
  • 3,500 staff
  • 518,000 volunteers
  • 60 million alumni

4-H’ers engage in fun, hands-on learning activities, supported by the latest research from land-grant universities. These activities focus on four key areas:

Mission Mandates

  1. Citizenship
    • Focus on civic engagement, leadership, respect, history, community youth development, and youth voice.
  2. Healthy Lifestyles
    • "Choose Health" is one of the initiatives of Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H aimed at combating childhood obesity. This program provides resources, promotional materials, and more to help youth live healthier lives.
  3. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
    • Youth who participate in science activities outside the classroom are more likely to feel comfortable with science. 4-H offers numerous STEM projects that connect children to Cornell’s science outreach programs, providing science enrichment opportunities for families.
  4. Agriculture
    • Youth from rural, suburban, and urban areas come together to participate in Animal Science programs. These programs offer hands-on opportunities to:
      • Learn to responsibly care for, feed, train, and show different species of animals.
      • Gain academic knowledge in biology, physiology, agriculture, production systems, veterinary medicine, and nutrition.
      • Develop important skills in teamwork, confidence, and leadership. 
      • Graduates of these programs acquire marketable skills that help them secure jobs, apply to colleges, and succeed in life.
    • New York State Animal Science 4-H Programs
      These programs are managed by the Cornell University Department of Animal Science in Ithaca, NY. The programs include livestock species (such as dairy, horses, and goats) as well as companion species (such as dogs and rabbits). Youth can participate in programs with others from across the state and showcase their animals and knowledge at various contests, including local county fairs and the Great New York State Fair!
    • Youth and their parents can connect with local CCE/4-H educators to learn about different species program areas, competitions, and study materials.

Learn More About 4-H

Explore the rich history of 4-H and the many opportunities it offers by visiting the other pages on this site. Ready to get involved? Contact your local 4-H staff at 315-379-9192—we’re excited to welcome you to 4-H in our county!


Visit the New York State 4-H website for more information.


Tamara Hill
4-H Youth & Family Team Lead
315-379-9192 ext 261

Last updated January 8, 2025