See what Cornell Cooperative Extension has to offer!
4-H Capital Days is an annual event in March that gives youth an opportunity to meet and interact with legislators and tell their 4-H story, create an awareness of career opportunities in the New York State Government, better understand state government, and network with delegates from other counties. Delegates are chosen by their county 4-H program. Open to enrolled 4-H members.
4-H Career Explorations is a three-day event for youth on the Cornell University campus. The purpose of this program is to provide youth with exposure to academic fields and career exploration, to develop leadership skills, to provide hands-on experience in a college setting and to introduce you to Cornell University. The event is made up of two grade specific tracts: University U for youth entering grades 8 - 9 and Focus for Teens for youth entering grades 10-12. Open to enrolled 4-H members.
The State Teen Action Representative Retreat (STARR) is a three-day, fun-filled event in April where 4-H teens participate in a variety of workshops and activities meant to challenge, excite and further develop life skills. The event is planned by teens and adults serving on the youth/adult STARR planning committee and is located at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, NY. Open to enrolled 4-H members.
4-H PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS -This event helps youth develop skills and confidence in organizing, preparing, and presenting a demonstration, speech, or dramatic interpretation. A 4-H project serves as the source of subject matter for a presentation. 4-H Public Presentations typically begin in March with county events. Youth give their presentations before a team of evaluators and an audience of peers. Selected traditional 4-H’ers go on to a regional event. From the regional event 4-H’ers age 13-19 may be chosen to participate in the state-wide public speaking event held at the New York State Fair. Open to enrolled 4-H members.
ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY 4-H FAIR - The St. Lawrence County Fair provides 4-H’ers with the opportunity to display project work, and to demonstrate the skills that they have learned through completing their projects. Exhibits show individual growth and accomplishment, provide social interaction and responsibility, and encourage 4-H teamwork and family cooperation. Volunteers, ages 12+, are also needed during the Fair to help with different activities and responsibilities to help make the Fair a success!
NEW YORK STATE FAIR - The NYS Fair will be held in Syracuse, New York from August 20TH through September 1ST, 2025. The objectives of 4-H members participating in the NYS Fair are as follows:
4-H ACTIVITY NIGHTS - 4-H youth are invited to participate in 4-H Activity Nights to be hosted the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Extension Learning Farm. 4-H is all about learning by doing and our 4-H educators and staff are creating fun and exciting projects and activities for our St. Lawrence County youth to participate in. Activities center around topics of technology, animal science, healthy living, cooking, environmental stewardship, community service, crafting and on and on. At 4-H, if you can dream it, you can do it—your opportunities are only limited by your curiosity. Participants will work closely with dedicated adult volunteers to complete projects and participate in activities that build confidence and teach valuable life and leadership skills.
4-H ANIMAL CLINICS- 4-H youth with an interest in animals are invited to participate in first annual animal clinics. Participating youth will learn about animal health, nutrition, care, showmanship and more! 4-H'ers who work with animals understand them so much better when they learn about what to feed them, how to safely train them and how to enhance the animal’s environment. Caring for an animal is a big deal, members participating in a companion animal 4-H project will learn to be responsible and keep good records. Practicing best management while raising an animal gives members the opportunity to engage in science-based, hands-on education. The poultry and rabbit clinics will take place in April. The sheep and goat clinics will take place in May.
4-H SHOOTING SPORTS - Shooting Sports in St. Lawrence County is a special interest group for youth ages 8-18 interested in shooting sports activities, local history, and the conservation of natural resources. Most groups also plan outdoor oriented community service projects, promote habitat improvement, and develop a better understanding of the natural environment. There are no limitations imposed by age, sex, or physical abilities. Shooting activities can last a lifetime.
MAPLE PROGRAM - Come visit the Cornell Cooperative Learning Farm and learn all about maple syrup. Our 4-H educators and CCE staff will guide you along a journey of all things maple. Tours will include a wagon ride to the sugar bush, tree identification, maple processing, and a tasty treat at the end of the tour.
BREAK SPECIALS - Join in the fun at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Learning Farm, Canton, during Winter Break and Spring Break Weeks! Extension Educators and Volunteers provide hands-on workshops for youth in a variety of exciting topic areas. Not all classes are appropriate for all ages so please check the age requirements in the class write-up. Participation fees may vary based on cost of materials. Register early as classes tend to fill fast. Staff supervision will be provided. Open to all county youth.
VET SCIENCE PROGRAM - Cornell Cooperative Extension of SLC and the SUNY Canton Veterinary Technician Program provide the opportunity for local youth to gain hands-on experience in animal science through this program. The program is held six evenings beginning in March and open to youth ages 13-18 years old. Classes include topics like rabies, radiology, emergency and basic care, surgery and many other areas. These hands-on classes are taught by vet tech students with assistance from their professors. The class fills every year with more than half of students typically reporting they are more likely to pursue a career in animal science because of the program. Open to all county youth.
Tamara Hill
4-H Youth & Family Team Lead
315-379-9192 ext 261
Last updated January 15, 2025