Energy Navigator Volunteer Logo

Help friends and neighbors save energy and $, and transition to renewable energy.

Energy Navigator Volunteers

Energy Navigator Volunteers are concerned and capable residents of the North Country who help their friends, neighbors, and other community members learn about ways they can reduce their energy use and energy bills, and enjoy safer and more comfortable homes. They also try to lead by example!

Energy Navigators commit to a year-long program that includes a nine-session training where you learn about energy audits, energy bills and use, energy efficiency, renewable energy and heating options, as well as incentives, programs, and resources that are available to help support saving money and energy at home.

Volunteers are expected to give at least 60 hours of there time over the course of the year to related outreach activities, and help connect residents in their county with energy-related actions (see the Energy Navigator Job Description for more information about program expectations). All registrants must be NYS residents in order to become an Energy Navigator Volunteer.

Interested in becoming an Energy Navigator? ---> Register HERE.

Training Schedule for Spring 2024 and Fall 2024

Spring - Tuesday's and Thursday's, 1 pm to 3 pm.

April 30th through May 29th.

Fall - Tuesday's and Thursday's, time to be determined.

October 8th through November 14th (no session October 31st or November 5th).


Nick Hamilton-Honey
Natural Resources & Energy Educator
315-379-9192 ext 230

Last updated March 18, 2024