farm to community
Brandy View Farm

Brandy View Farms

from a farm to your table
Irish Hill Farm, Oswegatchie, NY
Image by CCE Farm-to-Table Initiative
local food

From a Farm to Your Table: A SNAP-Ed Farm to Community Program

SNAP-Ed of St. Lawrence County is partnering with GardenShare and Greg Hargrave of Brandy View Farm to bring a community food access project to the Human Services Building in Canton NY every Thursday morning from 10:30-11:30 starting May 18th through November 2023. "From a Farm to Your Table" is a SNAP-Ed  Farm to Community project with the goal to increase access to healthy, nutrient dense, local produce to community members that may be facing food insecurities.

 In these workshops participants will learn the art of affordable cooking with fresh produce. All participants are given the opportunity to order a box of fresh locally grown produce, from Greg Hargrave of Brandy View Farm. SNAP-Ed will pay a portion of the produce box for income eligible participants; however, this produce pick up location and time is available for any community member wishing to purchase produce directly through Mr. Hargrave's Brandy View Farm online website. Mr. Hargrave will be delivering the produce directly to the Human Services Building at 11am for an easy, convenient, and accessible pick up. Payment options available include check, and venmo. EBT will be accepted during the workshop, courtesy of GardenShare.

This program supports local produce farmers by helping to promote sustainability within their farms and building local food economies where unreliable access to fresh produce is common. Creating relationships between our community members and our local farmers is important to us. The connections between community member’s families and our local farmers can be a lasting relationship. Community members learn how to source nutrient dense foods, to prepare low cost meals for their families,and to stay healthy with fresh and local produce from farmers in our community. We are excited to see the partnership flourish.





Cassondra Caswell
Health and Nutrition Issue Leader, SNAP-Ed NY North Country Project Manager, Director of Operations
315-379-9192 ext 235

Last updated July 5, 2023