HOM Sample
Youth making Salad
HOM Family
HOM Family

School Harvest of the Month

Harvest of the Month is an exciting opportunity for youth in 1st grade and up to learn about a particular produce and experience a recipe that highlights the produce!

SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educators go into schools that are 50% free/reduced lunch once a month on the same day of the month (ex. the 4 th Thursday, 3rd Wednesday, etc); time of day can be tailored to the schools need. The nutrition educator spends 30 minutes in each classroom. During that 30 minutes, the educator takes the students through an interactive lesson and gives them a sample of a recipe that features the produce of the month. Our lessons support math and science as well as reading. The goal is to encourage youth to think more about healthy eating, activity, and being bold and brave to try a new food.

Harvest of the Month promotes a different locally grown food each month. The goal is to increase access and consumption of fruits and vegetables and to encourage healthy food choices. School cafeterias generally serve the featured product 2-3 times during the month, and the more the local ingredient is integrated on the menu, the better! More schools are utilizing Harvest of the Month programming to educate students about eating healthy and increasing their preference for smarter meal options. Taste tests have been held in the cafeteria, curriculum connections made in the classroom, and many local foods integrated into menus. Harvest of the Month supports New York farms, gets kids to try new foods and promotes better learning and academic achievement.

HOM 2023-2024 Schedule



Cassondra Caswell
Health and Nutrition Issue Leader, SNAP-Ed NY North Country Project Manager, Director of Operations
315-379-9192 ext 235

Last updated August 20, 2024