Growing Annual Flowers, (8 page PDF) From University of Montana Extension It includes content on planning flower gardens, starting plants indoors and caring for a garden. It also includes diagrams and a table of ornamental and cultural characteristics of 73 common flowers.
Growing Annuals In Containers (2 page PDF) Fom Iowa State University Extension that covers how to choose a container and growing media, recommended annuals for flowering or foliage, as well as fertilizing and maintaining your container garden.
Plant Identification (web site) From University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Perennials, (3-page PDF) From CCE of Suffolk County, includes information on soil preparation, propagation, recommendations for easy-dare perennials, and recommended publications.
Perennial and Bulb Combinations (link to web page) From Cornell University Department of Horticulture. Give ideas of planting combination with pictures.
Sequence of Bloom of Perennials, Biennials and Bulbs (link to 16-page PDF) From Cornell Cooperative Extension. Includes average height and color range. The list is limited to those that are generally hardy in most of New York State. The dates may need to be adjusted depending on the location.
Dividing Perennials (5 page PDF) From CCE of Chemung County that covers how and why to divide some common perennials.
The Cornell Guide for Planting and Maintaining Trees and Shrubs (8.134Mb PDF download) is "a benchmark text written for professional horticulturists and home owners alike. Includes reliable tips for properly selecting plants from nurseries, guidance for appropriate site selection, transplanting processes and schedules, drainage management, and soil preparation. Important tasks immediately following planting - from watering, mulching, staking and wrapping, to pruning, fertilizing and anti-desiccant application provide professionals and hobbyists with knowledge to ensure their trees and shrubs flourish and thrive. Regular maintenance practices, including tips for protecting plants during construction, and the importance of monitoring for insect and disease problems are included. Includes numerous drawings, tables, tips, historical references, and a glossary with important terms."
How to Plant Trees and Shrubs (2 page PDF) From CCE of Suffolk County for homeowners.
Homeowner's Guide for Beautiful, Safe & Healthy Trees (3 page PDF) From the USDA Forest Service with general suggestions to help your trees stay healthy.
Pruning: An illustrated Guide to Pruning Ornamental Trees & Shrubs (30 page PDF) From Cornell University covering pruning techniques for a range of different plant types.
Cornell Turfgrass - Lawn Care: The Easiest Steps to an Attractive Environmental Asset (link to web site).From Cornell University. Features seven short how-to videos and photo galleries plus interactive images and concise directions to make it quick and easy to understand the steps to cultivating a healthy lawn that is an attractive environmental asset. Also available on iTunes or as .pdf file.
Lawn Care Without Pesticides (20 page PDF) From Cornell University by Frank Rossi, Cornell turf grass specialist, that covers how to use IPM methods to grow and maintain a lawn without pesticides (2005).
Sustainable Landscaping - This NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation page offers tips and resources for having a chemical free yard.
Turfgrass and Landscape Weed ID (link to web site) From Cornell University
Moss and Algae Control in Lawns (link for pdf) From Clemson Cooperative Extension)
Growing Grass in the Shade (link to web site) From University of Maryland Extension
Last updated February 10, 2022