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Canning Demo Tour- 3 Free Events

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Build confidence and inspiration to preserve the harvest by attending one of three free Canning Demos held at accessible locations across St. Lawrence County. Each demo includes seeing a water bath canner in the filling and processing stages along with a display of water bath and pressure canning...

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Canning Demo Tour- 3 Free Events

Friday, August 2, 2024

Build confidence and inspiration to preserve the harvest by attending one of three free Canning Demos held at accessible locations across St. Lawrence County. Each demo includes seeing a water bath canner in the filling and processing stages along with a display of water bath and pressure canning...

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Canning Demo Tour- 3 Free Events

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Build confidence and inspiration to preserve the harvest by attending one of three free Canning Demos held at accessible locations across St. Lawrence County. Each demo includes seeing a water bath canner in the filling and processing stages along with a display of water bath and pressure canning...

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Images from Ken's homestead, including berries, a garden, solar panels and a greenhouse

Twilight Tour

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

**This tour is full, but send an email to ENL2@cornell.edu to be added to a waitlist and join our email list from the homepage to find out early about CCE events in the future**Come check out Ken Kogut's beautiful homestead between Canton and Potsdam, and learn about the many projects he has esta...

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Graphic of Brad showing compost and his garden.

Hands-on Backyard Composting workshop and garden tour with Brad Pendergraft, MGV

Friday, September 27, 2024

Composting is a great way to make a valuable garden amendment while preventing methane release from food scraps sent to the landfill. In this hands-on workshop, Composter Extraordinaire, Brad Pendergraft, will demonstrate constructing a simple pallet-style bin as well as a next-level chimney-styl...

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