The youth helping each other with designing their coat rack.
Image by Justin Hicks

TEAMWORK!! After School students helping each other during a wood working project.

Youth learning how to use the sewing machine
Image by Justin Hicks
After School kids learning about the sugar house.
Image by Justin Hicks

Time to boil that sap!


North Wind After School Program

North Wind After School Program Registration 2024-2025 will open on May 13th! Our After School enrichment program is much more than just after school childcare. We offer engaging learning experiences in the barn, interesting hands-on enrichment lessons, and homework help with a caring and experienced staff. We are currently opened for a full week after school program. Students at Canton Central can be bussed directly to the Learning Farm. The After School program ends at 5:30pm each day and the cost is $125 per week. 

To register your child, please use our online registration system at:

If you have any questions, please contact Gabe Craig at or 315-379-9192 ext. 423.

Planting seeds during After School.

North Wind After School is a licensed program through the New York State Office of Child and Family Services, Division of Child Care Services. We aim to provide the highest quality programs that offer kids challenging activities and learning experiences while also providing support to working families. Following youth development best practices, our program offers many engaging hands on activities, teamwork/leadership activities, and time for youth to explore their environment with their imagination. 

North Wind After School is a 4-H program following the 4-H Way! What is the 4-H Way? 4‑H empowers young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime. It’s a research-based experience that includes a mentor, a hands-on project, and a meaningful leadership opportunity. As youth grow in our program they will have the opportunity to gain new life long skills, and friendships.

Why Choose North Wind After School?

Location, Location, Location

North Wind After School is located on a large area of land with ponds, wooded areas, a working farm, and a sugar bush. Kids are able to explore the wooded areas, learn about all of the different  micro-ecosystems, help care for a variety of animals, and learn about maple syrup production. With two heated classrooms and many outdoor learning areas North Wind After School is able to break youth up into small learning groups in different areas.  

Hours of Operation

The program is open until 5:30pm giving working parents ease of mind while they finish their day. We offer programs on most scheduled school closure days, including in-service days, early release days, winter and spring breaks, and we are usually open during unplanned closures (emergency or snow days).


North Wind After School meets or exceeds a constant 1:10 staff to child ratio during program.  From staff that are present everyday with the kids to staff that come in periodically to teach different lessons or run club programs, all staff maintain up to date training's in youth development, health and safety needs, and program delivery.  We also have a lot of volunteers and college interns that come to the program to help enrich the experience of each child.

Learning about turtles

Last updated May 8, 2024