NY Farmer Heavy Rainfall Survey

Background: March through July of 2017 was a period of above average rainfall in much of New York. Rainfall often came as heavy downpour events, leading to agricultural damage and disease. The purpose of this survey is to gather information on regional impacts and how farmers coped with this situation, so that farmers and those institutions and industries that support farmers will be better prepared in the future.

Contact Information: For information and questions pertaining to this survey contact Shannan Sweet: Email - sks289@cornell.edu; Phone - 607 255 8641; Address - 126 Plant Science Building, Dept. of Horticulture, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853

Please respond to the following questions if your farm experienced heavy rainfalls or flooding in spring-summer of 2017.

Complete the survey online:  https://cornell.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0uo09Hc67IsVFfn

Complete paper copy and return by mail:  NY_Farmer_Heavy_Rainfall_Survey_8-24-17.pdf

Last updated April 13, 2020