Joel Howie of Canton Apples

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2025 Pruning apple trees with Joel Howie

  • Saturday, March 22, 2025, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Have you inherited an overgrown apple tree? Have you planted a tree but then forgotten to prune it for several years? Would you like to learn about the tools that make the job of pruning easier? In this in-person class, guest presenter Joel Howie of Canton Apples will take on these topics and more.

Joel maintains several old farm orchards in the Canton area, which include many dozens of heirloom apple varieties. He is experienced at getting young apple trees off to a good start as well as bringing neglected trees back into production.

Joel will demonstrate pruning a mature apple tree from start to finish and then guide participants in making basic cuts. He will show the tools he uses for pruning, including those used by homeowners, as well as those that facilitate pruning for professionals.

The workshop location is a mature orchard on the Finnegan Rd in Canton which Joel has managed for several years.

Rain/snow date: April 5, 1-3pm





Erica LaFountain
Community Horticulture Educator
315-379-9192 ext 240


305 Finnegan Rd
Canton, NY 13617

Last updated January 27, 2025