Control the spread of invasive species in your home garden!
Invasive Species Awareness Week: June 8
Thursday, June 8, 2023,
6:30 PM -
8:00 PM
Invasive Species Awareness Week, June 5-9, is a time to promote knowledge and understanding of invasive species and the harm they can cause. We want to empower YOU to stop the spread of invasive species!
- June 5, 6-7pm, Canton Free Library Paige Room
- Emerald Ash Borer with Aaron Barrigar of the SLC Soil and Water Conservation District
- June 6, 6:30-8pm, SLU Wachtmeister Field Station
- Spotted Lantern Fly with Kayla Edmunds of Nature up North and Nick Hamilton-Honey of Cornell Cooperative Extension
- June 7, 7-8pm, Indian Creek Nature Center Pavilion
- Purple loosestrife with Jess Rogers, Biology Professor at SUNY Potsdam
- June 8, 6:30-8pm, Potsdam Public Library Mezzanine Classroom
- Learn about the gardeners' role in controlling invasives with Erica LaFountain and Nick Hamilton-Honey of Cornell Cooperative Extension. Erica will answer questions like How do you know if a plant is not native to the North Country? What are some common garden invasives? What native plants are good alternatives? And Nick will answer the question on the tip of everyone's tongue... What on earth are invasive jumping worms and how do I avoid getting them!? Register for free here.
- June 9, 1-2pm, Potsdam Public Library
- Wild parsnip, Spotted Wing Drosophila, ask a naturalist or Master Gardener Volunteer with Ken Kogut (MGV) and Nick Hamilton-Honey
Potsdam Neighborhood center
2 park street
Potsdam , NY 13676
Last updated June 1, 2023