Kristin Kimball has co-operated a year-round full diet Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm in Essex, New York for over a decade. This innovative model and the ensuing lifestyle has been fodder for two books.
Kimball will share excepts from her newest book, Good Husbandry, along with insights into the complicated world of relationships and farming in the Adirondack North Country.
The reading will be held in the Laurentian Room at the Best Western in Canton.
The reading is a precursor to a full-day learning opportunity (please see our event titled Value-Added Production for Farmers and Food Entrepreneurs) for those interested in operating a food business or diversifying their farm to include additional products. On March 7, Kimball will open the day with Creating Farm Products to Feed a Community Year-Round, and then the program will include four workshop sessions, a full lunch and a closing farmer entrepreneur panel at the Extension Learning Farm.
Best Western University Inn
90 E. Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
Last updated February 19, 2020